Wile E.


Well, Wile E., our little boy is settling in and made it through his first Christmas without even touching the tree. He is a wonderful puppy with THE BEST disposition. Exactly the reasons for not getting a puppy all these years, except mildly potty training, are a moot point because he is so easy! My Mother is even looking at your babies now! Everyone who has seen him is blown away with him and when he sits on command at 14 weeks they almost faint!

Santa brought him a bed for the living room and he is so happy to be wherever, except for his crate, but that has gotten alot better and he’s getting used to our schedule as ours is modifying to his too.

Thank you for this baby as he is a wonderful addition to our family and will be my children’s best friend for many years to come!

I’ll forward some pics next week!

Merry Christmas and Blessings to you and your family for a prosperous,
healthy and happy New Year!

From Tennessee