Mabel & Huxley have ultrasounds done

This is Mabel’s first experience with planning to have babies.  She had been wandering around the Ranch's cabbage patch, looking for signs of the babies coming…. But her friend, Huxley, straightened her out about that.  Huxley has had one litter, so she is an ol’ pro!

Huxley offered to take Mabel with her to see the reproductive vet.  Huxley is also in the family way.  She explained to Mabel that babies are really not found in the cabbage patch.  And no, there are no storks making their way to Rivermist Ranch to deliver puppies either.  She reminded Mabel about the young man of her dreams, Parson.  Mabel could not stop talking about him for a couple of weeks!  She even pinned his picture up by her bed!  Huxley went on to talk to her about the birds and the bees….  Mabel’s eyes got very big over that!

Huxley explained that with all the modern medicine and technology, expectant mama dogs can now have an ultrasound done at around 3 weeks along to gather some very good information.  Out came Mabel’s little red notebook… she does take good notes.  An ultrasound can confirm a girl is pregnant, Hux explained.  It can also let a girl know how many sacs have little heartbeats in them.  And how many no longer have heartbeats.  It can show inflammation that might cause other problems.  Mabel was so happy to know that she could gather this information in.

The girls called in and set up appointments. The morning of, they took a nice bubble bath, put on a little perfume, filed their nails, and excitedly called for their driver.

As they waited for their appointment, their tails would not quit wagging!

While the vet rolled her instrument across their newly shaved abdomens, they both did their best to not giggle. It was so hard for Mabel… she is rather ticklish.

Huxley was thrilled to find out she is carrying 8 puppies!  That is a bunch of mini puppies!  She is thinking of names still!  Here is a quick ultrasound snapshot of one of her little ones.  Huxley and Denzel think this little one is just the most darling puppy!  


The happy expectant Pawrents

Mama: Huxley

Daddy: Denzel

Mabel found out she has 11 puppies!  Huxley helped her off the floor with that information! Mabel has decided that she should take it easier. She should eat more.  And her friends should wait on her hand and foot, bringing her sticks and treats etc. Here is a snapshot of 2 of Mabel’s babies. She will be hanging the image next to the one of Parson.  


The happy expectant Pawrents

Mama: Mabel

Daddy: Parson

“What’s next?” Mabel asked Huxley.


Huxley explained that they will go in for an x-ray before the babies come. This will be done when it is safe for the puppies of course! And why do it you ask?  The x-ray will give us a very accurate count.  Some puppies may have easily been missed on the ultrasound… so there might be more!  Some puppies may have quit thriving and stopped living.  The girls set up appointments for August 11th.  


And now they wait.  And dream.  And think up names.  And knit booties.


Dogs are amazing people – they live life to love. They love being mama dogs; they love their puppies; and they love their families. The people at Pine Lodge Labradoodles that work for these amazing dogs feel so blessed to do this.